The "Unique Disability Identity" (UDID) card is a global identification card for individuals with disabilities. This project aims to create a national database for the visually impaired and to issue a unique disability identification document to each individual with disabilities. This initiative doesn't just promote transparency, efficiency, and easy access to government benefits for individuals with disabilities, it also ensures equality among them. The card will help beneficiaries in their physical and economic progress, categorized at all levels. For the successful implementation of the UDID card project at the District Disability Rehabilitation Center, individuals with disabilities must be educated and informed about the process. They are guided to scan the required documents and upload them to the website, The application form is available on the website, and information about the application's status is provided to the beneficiaries. Any challenges or issues regarding this scheme are discussed in the DMT (District Monitoring Team) meetings, and solutions are devised accordingly. The application for the DDRC is free of charge, and in non-government locations, a nominal fee of Rs. 200–300 is charged for the application process.